what am I wearing quiz
created for you by
Saturday, October 31, 2009
dieser contest dürfte der schwierigste sein ^^
- lest und befolgt die allgemeinen regeln im ersten post
- beantwortet folgende frage in einem kommentar: welchen lack trage ich auf dem foto?
- hinweise: er ist von china glaze und er trocknet matt ;-) vergrößert das bild, um den lack genau ansehen zu können. wenn ihr es nicht auf anhieb wisst, könnte euch diese seite weiterhelfen.
- die kommentare werden erst nach ende des contests veröffentlich, der gewinner wird gezogen.
this contest might my the toughest ^^
- read and follow the rules in the first contest post.
- answer the following question in a comment: which polish am I wearing on the picture?
- hints: it's from china glaze and it driey matte ;-) click to enlarge the picture and see the details of the polish. if you don't have a clue, this page might be useful!
- I will publish the comments after the contest has ended. the winner will be drawn.
preis/prize:der gewinner erhält folgendes/the winner gets:
- china glaze ghoulish glow
- p2 total repair & p2 fast help repair (meine basecoat combo/ my basecoat combo)
- poshe super fast drying topcoat
- nagelzeugsaufbewahrungstäschchen von essence/nailstuffbag by essence
- s-he 466
- b.pretty silver stars
- hands!up magic manicure von alessandro
- essence moonlight collection trio glitter set
- p2 diamond nailart tips
- source balance lip butter white chololate aroma
- essence polish corrector pencil
- ? = ein schwer erhältlicher lack. eigentlich hatte ich vor einem monat einen ganz tollen auf ebay bestellt, aber der ist noch nicht angekommen :-( sollte er noch kommen, erhaltet ihr diesen, ansonsten habe ich eine tolle alternative!/= a hard to get polish. I ordered a special gorgeous one on ebay a month ago but didn't receive it yet :-( if it should arrive you will get this, if not I have a great alternative!
all things are new and were bought by myself (just to mention it ;-) I hope you like the choices!
61 readers thoughts:
I am a follower of your site! I love the background changes you do and that you post in English too! I am located in Minnesota, US.
I believe that is Flying Dragon.
Das müsste China Glaze Flying Dragon sein :-) So ein toller Lack!
Tolle Contests machst du da!
Lg, MonCerie
Ich tippe auf "Flying Dragon" =)
Hi I can't find the rules to the competition.
plz look here
Thanks! lol If I pay attention it might help!
Is the polish Cowgirl Up.
yay!!! a great contest!! ofcourse im joining in ur contest sweety.. u're wearing "CHINA GLAZE FLYING DRAGON"
wirklich tolle gewinnspiele, die du machst
mein (sicherer) tipp ist, dass es china glaze's flying dragon ist :)
das sieht mir doch schwer nach china glaze flying dragon aus :)
sehr schön!
Den hab ich auch *g* Flying Dragon! Einer meiner Lieblingslacke! GLG, BJ annasidonia
flying dragon (neon) / china glaze neon kollektion
Oh, fun contest!
I think the color is Flying Dragon!
Im a follower thru the google friend connect.
I do not have a blog so I can't post about it, but I hope I'm still allowed to enter?
China Glaze "Flying Dragon"
email: blackpearl890(at)yahoo(dot)com
blogpost: http://lacquerobsession.blogspot.com/2009/10/check-out-these-contests.html
Ups, lesen sollte ich können... ^//^
Flying Dragon ist die Antwort. :-)
ich tippe auf den Flying Dragon:
Der Link zu meinem Blog:
LG, Frauke
Hi, this is definitelly China Glaze Flying Dragon!
Thank you for these wonderfull contests!
PS: I am not sure, if my comment on regular reading quiz was sent... Would you be so kind and write me, if it is not there? Thank you very much.
It looks like Flying Dragon :)
this looks like China Glaze Flying Dragon(neon)
ich vermute, es ist ChG Flying dragon
liebe Grüße
I think it's Flying Dragon. I hope it's right ^^
Ich denke es ist Flying Dragon von China Glaze :D
Hallo, ich möchte gerne an dem Contest teilnehmen:) Die Antwort auf die Frage lautet Flying dragon von China Glaze, hoffe das es richtig ist. Danke für ein solches super Contest.
Ich habe auch einen Blog auf dem ich einen Beitrag geschrieben habe:
Anita (KONADomania)
China Glaze Flying Dragon! :D
runamok86 at yahoo dot com
I linked your competition in my blog: http://komerossa.blogspot.com/2009/11/mahtikilpailu-by-polish-lounge.html
Hi, I am a follower.
I think that the polish you are wearing is China Glaze Flying Dragon.
It's Flying Dragon by China Glaze! :)
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
Is it China Glaze Flying Dragon? Thanks for the great contest!!
I am a follower!!
Flying Dragon
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
The nail polish color is: Grape Juice
Der Nagellack auf dem Foto ist China Glaze - Flying Dragon.
I think I'm following you, I'm having a hard time locating things not in English... anyways, my guess is China Glaze "Flying Dragon". Porkypig350@aim.com
China Glaze Flying Dragon I think!
is it China Glaze - Flying Dragon (Neon)?
d0ntliet0me at hotmail dot com
I have have also made a blog post about your contests:
My guess is China Glaze "Flying Dragon"
hallo nochmal! :)
auch hier versuch ich mein glück.. :)
das ist china glaze - flying dragon! glaub ich jedenfalls.. ;)
schönen abend noch und viele grüße,
Und auch hier habe ich die Antwort parat, es ist natürlich der China Glaze Flying Dragon!
Blogbeitrag zum Contest hier:
LG, Eava
I'm follower and the nail polish is china glaze flying dragon (neon)
This amazing polish is definately Flying dragon from China Glaze.
I posted about your giveaway on my blog: http://amarenasblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/some-great-giveaways-from-bloggers.html
Ach, den erkennt man doch sofort! ;-)
Flying Dragon!
I would very much like to enter your contest, unfortunately I don't have a blog. You are wearing China Glaze Flying Dragon. :)
Hi! Ist es China Glaze Flying Dragon? Ich habe deinen blog per email abonniert, vedra@gmx.at (habe selbst keinen blog) :)
I'm going to go with ChG Flying Dragon?
This was hard!
I think you're wearing China Glaze Flying Dragon (Neon)
Hey! I'm a follower and I blogged about your contest: http://nihrida.blogspot.com/2009/11/talking-cats-contest-update.html
You're also on my blogroll.
You're wearing China Glaze Flying Dragon on the photo. I would have know it even without your help. :)
Thanks for the opportunity.
My e-mail: amerseksasa at hotmail dot com
I'm a follower!
I posted here:
I think you're wearing China Glaze Flying Dragon [Neon]
I think the nail polish is ChG - Flying Dragon.
Thanks for the heads up!
I posted about your giveaway here
I think it's Coconut Kiss!
If u need my mail adress : laura@malasch.de
Well...my guess is China Glaze Flying Dragon.^^
You're wearing china glaze flying dragon as i can tell.
great giveaway! thanx!
i'm not really sure about this guess but is it Flying Dragon?
oh, and i'm a follower as well :)
müsste Flying Dragon von China Glaze sein. ;-)
liebe grüsse
I'm not sure I signed up to follow you on Google correctly - my German is non-existent and I had no idea what I was doing.
My guess is that it's Flying Dragon. Thank you for the nudge towards the gallery of purple shimmers. It was a tremendous help.
This is the photo that I thought best matched yours: http://nailgal.com/displayimage.php?pos=-7708
You are wearing China glaze Flying dragon ;) (beautiful)
Well, I think the name of the polish you are wearing in the picture is "Flying Dragon" from China Glaze. I hope it's correct. =)
In Portugal there are no polishes from China Glaze. =( they have so many beautiful colours..
Bye bye
I think that nail polish is called Flying dragon (neon).
I am a follower.
I blogged about your contest here:
I reposted.
My email is Kuromi_shan(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
I take aguess its 'Flyin Dragon'
Im not really all that sure, but it looks like a close colour.
Shan x
Ich tippe auf China Glaze Flying Dragon
Hi, I think this polish is Flying Dragon. I want one myslef .)
Ich meine, dass es der China Glaze - Flying Dragon (Neon) ist. Hoffe das stimmt! :D
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