rbl scrangie vs. bb couture venice party

. Tuesday, January 19, 2010


first time I saw scrangie on scrangie’s blog it totally reminded me of bb couture’s venice party. but now that I got them both in my hands I have to say that I was mistaken.


here are the pictures that originally made me think they could be very similar:


venice party


scrangie © www.scrangie.com

you see how similar they look? you will see on the next pictures, how close venice party is to scrangie’s scrangie pic:



index/ring: venice party, middle/pinkie: scrangie

I’m sorry to disappoint everyone who was hoping for a scrangie dupe, but this one is absolutely not. I don’t even need to explain the difference, because it’s pretty obvious. again, I’m wondering, if my scrangie version differs from scrangie’s, because the pictures look so different.

in the last post I was telling you, that I couldn’t use the fast drying tc on scrangie, because it was shrinking. I applied the two polishes yesterday evening without using tc and waited for 3hrs before I went to bed. this is how it looked this morning (all fingers did).


you see, that’s why it’s essential to me that a polish can be combined with a fast drying tc o_O

3 readers thoughts:

Unknown said...

I think they both are gorgeous, but I like scrangie more!

Tabula Rasa said...

Thanks for comparing these two polishes Barbara. I have to admit that the red lowlights of Scrangie make me like it better. How is your new year so far? I hope that you and your little one had a great holiday season.

loungie said...

tabula rasa: thank you, our new year is quite good so far, it started with my dad's b-day, then mine, and now we are waiting for easter *lol*

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